Nutrition Services in Baltimore & Beyond

Discover Your Personalized Nutrition Needs

I use a functional, integrative, and personalized approach to nutrition that supports postpartum parents to feel like themselves again. My clients are often surprised that their energy, digestive, and skin symptoms have a shared root cause. We’ll use simple, strategic dietary approaches to help your body heal. You don’t have to follow any fad diet, and you don’t have to take every supplement you see advertised. We’ll figure out what changes will give you the greatest results with the least effort. Interventions include:

✅ Real food nutrition, with practical recipes and sample menus
✅ Personalized botanicals and supplements offered at a discount for clients
✅ Mindfulness practices to support not just how you eat but also how you live your life
✅ Additional lifestyle interventions based on analysis of signs and symptoms, lab results, and energetics

I know working with a new healthcare provider can be a leap of faith, especially if you’ve had your symptoms minimized, your preferences dismissed, or otherwise felt let down in the past. Before we decide to work together, let’s meet to make sure we’re a good fit!

Ready to schedule your 60-min initial consultation? Let’s dive into where you’d like to be, what’s stopping you, and what we can do about it. Your plan will take into account not just your goals but also any practical constraints that need to be factored in to make it work for you.

Uncover Clues to Your Health with Functional Lab Testing

I offer functional lab testing through Genova Diagnostics. Many lab testing kits can be sent directly to you and may be performed in the comfort of your home. Some common lab tests include: comprehensive stool analysis, SIBO breath testing, lactose intolerance breath testing, food allergy and sensitivity testing, nutrient status evaluation, hormone testing, environmental toxin profiles, and more.

Enjoy Discounted Practitioner-Grade Supplements

Order supplements through my Fullscript store.

Clients who join my practice enjoy a 15% discount on the highest-quality, professional-grade supplements, nutraceuticals, and botanicals via my online Fullscript dispensary.

Pursue CNS Certification & Continuing Education

I am a BCNS-approved supervisor for CNS candidates and individuals seeking CNS certification. I offer a limited number of self-directed internship opportunities on a rolling basis throughout the year. Contact me to introduce yourself and see if we would be a good fit to work together.

I also offer online courses and BCNS-approved continuing education credits. Check my bookings page to see what courses are currently open, or send me a message to be put on the waitlist.